Working with me

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Today I'm answering the most frequent questions I get about who I am, what I do, and how to work with me...

Let’s start with this one :

Sharon, what do you *actually* coach in?

Well. I have spent the last decade becoming an expert in human dynamics & self mastery.

I work with you on:

⭐️ Leadership

⭐️ Communication skills

⭐️ Personal Mastery

⭐️ Business Skills

⭐️ Career development

⭐️ Conscious life design

Why would I need this?

My clients are usually:

⭐️ Individuals

⭐️ Small business teams

⭐️ Large corporations

Humans who wish to uplevel.

You can seek coaching to:

❤️ Ace your career

❤️ Transform your relationships

❤️ Improve your leadership

❤️ Design a life you love

Are you actually good at coaching?

I like to think so hahaha!

Seriously though... I've been doing this a long time.

In the last 11 years, I've spent 15,000 hours coaching thousands of people.

And I haven't had a bad review yet!

I stand by my work, and experience.

Coaching with me is transformational, humanist, and always energising.

How can I work with you?


Every month I have a select number of spots for you, if you desire one-on-one coaching. All details including pricing and booking are here.


I also run regular masterclasses in all manner of topics for life and work. Get on my mailing list so you know when they are happening!


My yearly program, Invincible Academy, is the most supported, value-filled, and

transformative way to work with me.A 6 month program with 24 modules that span life, work, relationships, and so much more. Doors for our intakes happen every 6 months, so stay tuned!

How can I get a sense of your style before committing to coaching with you?

Check out INVINCIBLE, my podcast! Available anywhere you listen to podcasts! loads of free trainings, inspirational interviews, and more!

Is there anything else I should know?

“Only when you’re ready” guarantee:

There's never a hardsell with me as your coach - I truly believe the best client-coach relationship is fostered through trust and readiness. So ask me anything, and know I'll never sell to you using sleaziness / pressure.

Real methods:

There is no woo here. Only tested frameworks, science based methods, and a solid support for epic growth.

How would I book in?

Here on my website, you'll find booking details, any masterclasses / workshops I'm running, and everything else.


Email me with any questions you have.


Invincible Academy launching soon!


Reframe your Mindset